My grandma lost hearing in her right ear in her twenties. My whole life I have known to speak toward her "good" ear. Just recently I noticed that her hearing has become a bit worse. At lunch one afternoon I suggested her going to the doctor to see if there is anything they could do. She is a stubborn lady; she proceeded to tell me she has been before and she doesn't want to wear "big ole" hearing aides in both ears. She failed to mention the last time she went was over 15 years ago.
I went on to suggest that technology is amazing & has probably progressed since the last time she went. She pretty much ignored me, or who knows maybe she didn't hear me (lol).
Our conversation then turned to potty training. She told me how she potty trained my uncle 50 years ago. She would wake him up in the morning and have him pee in an empty coffee can. She suggested I do this with my son.
Technology!! I said, "Grandma, you wouldn't believe technology these days, they actually have replicas of toilets the size of coffee cans to potty train." Point taken, she's going to the doctor to see if there is anything to do for her hearing.
Love her.
I knew she heard me.